can a dog get pregnant by 2 males
... s possible for a dog to get pregnant by 2 different males if the intercourse is withing a 24 hour a dog can get pregnant from more than one male.. Can a female dog become pregnant by two different male dogs? yes the emale dog can become peregnet by two differnet male dogs but the pups might look a little. What if a female dog breeds with two different kinds of males? there's no truly safe time during heat when she can't get pregnant, because every dog's.

Can a female dog get pregnant by two male dogs? can a female dog get pregnant by two different male dogs at the same time resulting in a mix litter?. Can a female get pregnant by two different dogs at the same time. my chihuahua looks to have had puppies from both my winner dog and my 70lb german shepard. Can a dog get pregnant by two different male dogs? in some cases and he can still get a female pregnant again the likely hood of this is less than your chance.